We wanna share with you our sweet dog-- to us he is family!




Duke is the "nosy, loveable, sooner hound" who really runs things on the ranch. Why "nosy"? He totally must greet anyone who visits the ranch and smell their feet. We think he has a shoe fetish.  "Sooner hound"????

You know -- sooner sleep than hunt!  












Such a cute puppy! He joined our family on August 6, 2014. When he was adopted, his name was Zeus, but he totally looked like a "Duke". When he would sleep with us, he would sleep on Jeff's neck. Jeff took him everywhere with him! Needless to say, Duke is a road dog. 










Even as a puppy, Duke has loved the water. Whenever we have the chance to float the river, Duke floats too! As a puppy he floated with one of us, but now he has his own tube. He also loves to go kayaking with us.








Duke wants to know where we're going now. Wherever it is, he's ready!